Anatomy Bites Policies


Auto Renewal

Your membership will auto-renew monthly through your original payment method, on the date or near the date to purchase. If the payment method we have on file cannot be processed for your subscription payment, you will be contacted to update your payment method. If you fail to update your payment information you may lose access to your membership access to your membership and your content.


How to update your credit card

 To edit or change your credit card information, log into your account, click on your profile picture or the avatar in the upper right corner. Click settings. Next, click on "billing info" on the top right and you will be able to update your card.


How to cancel your Anatomy Bites Membership

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on your profile image in the top right corner of the page
  3. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  4. Click "Billing Info" at the top right of the page.
  5. Click "Cancel"

Once canceled, access ends on the next billing cycle - either 30 days after your last payment if you're a monthly member, or one year after your last payment if you're an annual member. Once your access ends, you will not be able to view subscription content.



Due to the volume of content that you receive immediately upon becoming a member that cannot be returned, we do not offer refunds for the Anatomy Bites membership under any circumstances. 

If you are not sure whether or not the program is right for you, please select the monthly membership option.


What if I can't access my account?

On the login page, click "forgot password" to recover your login info and access your account. If you still need assistance, please email [email protected] and we will make sure you get your login information.


When do we meet live?

If you are an active Anatomy Bites member you will have an opportunity to meet live for Anatomy Bites Q&A sessions monthly. Our sessions are on Thursdays & Fridays once a month. You can view the whole schedule here and add the sessions to your calendar. The rest of the material is prerecorded, on demand. You will also have access to 3x weekly study hall sessions for group accountability and support.


Will the live sessions be recorded?

Yes! You will have access to the latest Q&A sessions for 1 month after live date. Please allow 48 hours for live  recordings to be uploaded to your membership.


Can I pause my membership?

We are unable to pause memberships and have members keep content. You are paying for access to all of the membership materials as long as you have your subscription. You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time, though we cannot guarantee that you will be able to sign up again at the same price once you cancel.

If you have upgraded to lifetime access (available for one year of content at a time), you can resume your membership at the same place where you left off, but you will not be eligible to retain your old subscription rate if prices have gone up. Email [email protected] for more information about the lifetime access upgrade.


Can I keep my Anatomy Bites content once I cancel?

Once you cancel your Anatomy Bites membership, you will no longer have access to the content you have previously received and you will not receive any new content. If you have paid for your first year of Anatomy Bites you can upgrade your purchase to get lifetime access. Please email [email protected] for current rates & to request the upgrade.


Additional Information

We reserve the right to remove members or deny access for any reason based on our discretion.